Monday, May 12, 2008

Unit 7: Number 1

I don't think people only change when bad things happen. I think its more likely for someone to change after something bad though. Unfortuanetly thats the way it is. Most of the time the state is not going to put up a new traffic light or stop sign until someone has had a wreck in that area. You just don't really think you need something until its gone sometimes.

Unit 6: Number 5

I'm kind of torn on whether not the US should get into foreign politics are not. I mean when a small nation is being bullied, it only seems right that someone step in and help out the little guy. Then again its not technically our responsibilty to do anything. I think at the end of the day, the US as a county, should just vote on it. That way everyone will get to voice there opinions about it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Living History Interview

1. What was your reaction to Sputnik being launched?

He heard about it when it was successfully in orbit and was shocked. He also believed America was the best so when they won the space race he felt kind of embarrassed. On the other hand he thought it was neat to know that somebody finally put something in space.

2. Do you remember where you were when you first heard Martin Luther Kings famous “I Have a Dream” speech?

He was in front of a TV set, but didn’t really pay much attention to it because he was in high school. He did remember thinking that it would become something very important. The first time he really ever thought about civil rights.

3. What was your experience during the civil rights movement?

He wasn’t active in any protest or anything like that. He always heard that the south was where black people were treated well and was surprised to find out there was segregation in the North. He worked really hard during that time to not be prejudice.

4. What impact did JFK’s assassination have on you?

He was right in front of the TV set when Kennedy was assassinated. He was in tenth grade and he had broken his leg, so he spent a lot of time at home watching TV. His family liked Kennedy a lot, and he said if he had been old enough he would have voted for him. In the beginning after the shot was fired there was a lot of commotion and he and his family didn’t know what had happened yet. Then one of the announcers on the TV said that the president had been shot.

5. What was your reaction to the riots and protest during the civil rights movement?

Found it kind of fascinating. He said looking back that the coverage on TV was kind of biased. What he found shocking was that a lot of people were protesting and looting in there own neighborhoods. He also thought it was kind of scary, because he knew that it could easily happen in Cleveland (his hometown).

6. How were you involved with the first “Earth Day”?

He participated in the first Earth Day and didn’t even know it. He was sitting in the cafeteria at his college on April 22, 1970, when somebody came in and said “Hey, you guys want to protest?” At that point he had never been in a demonstration before. He asked what it was for and the guy said they were going to protest everyone polluting the earth. This made him think he would be fine with supporting that. After that he went outside with a group of people and walked through time. Twenty million people were involved worldwide, and it wasn’t even planned. Somebody just sent a memo to different universities and word just got around.

7. What was your opinion of Richard Nixon and his actions?

Even before Watergate he remembered people used to call him “Tricky Dickey”. He remembered thinking that he always seemed like a politician, he always seemed to say what the people wanted to hear. He never really spoke from his heart. After Watergate he wasn’t too surprised. He didn’t hate him or anything, but the fact was, he was glad that even the president could get in trouble for doing the wrong thing.

8. Which civil rights court cases do you remember most well?

When I asked which ones he remembered he said he couldn’t remember any. Then when I asked about Brown VS the Board of Education he said which one was that. At the point that all this happened he was in college and had already decided he was going to be an ecologist. So most of the things he was interested in and watched the news for were stuff about the earth and the environment. Civil Rights just wasn’t one of the things that really interested him.

9. What do you remember about the Iranian hostage crisis?

The thing that stood out the most to him about it was that the country had went from drafting an army to an all volunteer army. So he believed the military was not up to par. He found it kind of scary that a foreign power could seize our embassy and take our people hostage. He wished for the best, and watched the news everyday to see how it all played out.

10. Where were you on Sept 11, 2001?

The terrorist attacks on 9/11 made his heart drop. He was out in the field with a team of biologist when his cell phone rang. His asked him if he’d heard, and then told him that a terrorist group flew a plane into the World Trade Center. He felt bad for the people that had lost their lives and felt scared that something like that could happen on American soil. He knew things in the United States just wouldn’t be the same after that.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Unit 6: Assignment 1

I don't think its ok to get involved in anyone elses bussines unless they ask for your advice or ask you to get involved. I have jumped into other peoples business before to defend them and sometimes to defend myself. If your not asked for help though then you should leave it alone. try to not even acknowledge it.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Acrostic Definition Post

Growing nation
Learning from mistakes
Drastic changes were made

America would never be the same
Great progress made
Extermination of many indians

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Unit 5: Assignment 1

Do I envy the rich peaople in the world? Well no, not really. I envy the people who have enough money to live there lives compfortably, and not have to worry about this months rent or car payments. I don't envy the extremely rich though because they never tend to be happy. They all seem greedy and they don't want to spend there money on anything besides things that can make them more money. I'd say at least 80% of the wealthy people in the world now a days have there ancestors to thank for there riches. Money is passed down more than earned. The few other peole that are rich is probably split by people who got lucky and stumbled upon it and thens theres the few people who actually work hard and earn there riches. Should they spendd it? Well if it was me I'd would spend it. you only get one life and you have to make the best of it. I wouldn't spend all of it just what I could use. I'd give a lot to people in need. Not too many rich people act that way, but the world would be a whole lot better of a place if they did.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Unit 4: Assignment 4

Any time that i've ever been in a fight (Verbal or Physical) has always seemed to end bad. No matter what your relationship with that person is always going to be different. You might be able to forgive the other person but rarely if ever will you forget. The only you can do is try to learn your lesson and try to prevent events like that in the future.

Top Ten Most Exciting Events From 1789-1850

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Unit 3: Growing up is exciting and painful.

Growing up is a painful and exciting time in everyone’s lives. You learn new thing, and get to try new things. Getting your driving license, experience love for the first time, and your first kiss are all some of the best moments of your life. Unfortunately growing up also has its painful memories. Whether it is getting your heart broken for the first rime, our just realizing for the first time just how messed up and scary the world can really be. One of the most exciting things for me was finally getting my license. It doesn’t seem like such a big deal now but when you first get its like you’re finally free and independent from you parents. Then the most painful would be having someone I cared about being taken away. That’s life though, you have to experience bad moments to get you from one good moment to the next.

When is Breaking the Law Justified

Throughout America’s history people have been breaking the law. It’s almost always not okay, but every once in a while it is justified. When the government is being unfair to all its citizens, or sometimes just a select group, laws must be broken to fix the problem.

During the American Revolution, the colonies broke many of Britain's laws to show that they wouldn’t put up with their injustice, and that they wanted to be an independent nation. Britain was taking away the colonies natural rights, they were taxing the citizens without consent, they threw their troops into the citizens houses and expected them to feed the soldiers. To fight back the colonies new they had to make there point. First came “The Boston Tea Party” in which American citizens threw all of Britain’s tea of a ship due to the fact that it was going to be taxed. Then came The Declaration of Independence, which declared our separation of Britain. This led to war which eventually led to our freedom.

Even though we were a free nation, not all of our citizens were free. The black population were still treated as second class citizens even in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Many laws at that time were forbidding blacks from using certain bathrooms, eating at certain restaurants, and having to ride on the back of the public bus. Well one woman by the name of Rosa Parks would break that law in 1955 and change the course of the Civil Rights movement. Even though it was against the law for her to sit at the front of the bus, she did, because she new that it was an unjust law that needed to change.

Even though these two events happened in two very different time periods they both had a huge effect on the future of the countries laws. When the 13 colonies decided to break Britain’s laws and declare there independence, they had no idea that they were creating one the strongest nations in the history of the world. When Rosa Parks decided to sit at the front of the bus, I’m sure she had no idea that this event would lead to the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., and the eventual desegregation of whites and blacks in America.

It is rarely okay to break the law. Some people would probably argue that it is never okay. I don’t see how anyone could say that considering that history has showed us that sometimes breaking the law is what needs to be done to make a change. Sometimes it’s something huge, like declaring independence from a country, and sometimes it’s as small as sitting in the wrong seat on a bus. When breaking the law changes the lives of millions of people for the better, I think its safe to say it was the right thing to do.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Document Reflection

I think its interesting how he talked back then. I’m surprised to find out he had even written a letter because I’ve never seen it before. Not all that much surprised me about this letter after everything I’ve seen and heard about the American Revolution. I did think it was interesting when Washington said “I am dear Sir”, “Your most obt Servt”. I know he said thins after letting General McDougal know that his son was being held prisoner. It’s cool that they have this as proof of what was going on in one of the greatest men in our nation’s history’s head.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Unit 2: Assignment 1

5 Purposes of the Government

1. Maintain the law and keep order.
2. Controlling and training the Military
3. Make laws.
4. Collect taxes
5. Assign Representatives

I would definitely be willing to join a revolution against the government if it got out of hand. Honestly with all the crazy stuff that has been going on lately I am surprised that there hasn’t already been a revolution. There are so many people mad at the government for fighting this war, and at Bush. I wouldn’t join one at this moment for these reasons, but if the government ever tried to take away our free will, and enforce outlandish laws I would definitely be up for a fight.

Assignment 7: How life is different

After reading a well-ordered family, I think I learned just how much emphasis they put on god. I’ve read about the puritans and I already knew they were strict when it came to marriage and sex, but this showed there ridiculously strict about what a man and a woman should do for one another. What surprised me the most would have to be that they said arguing with one another was evil. I’ve read stories and seen movies about those times and the men were down the women’s throats all the time. The difference between then and today is huge. Back then if someone got a divorce, I’m sure they would have been condemned and told they were going to hell. Now days probably sixty percent of people get a divorce and people just treat it like it’s just a common part of life. Also woman are respected a lot more now, back then men were considered the dominant human, now were all equal. People were a lot more religious back then to, and were expected to be, now a lot of people expect you to not believe in god.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Assignment 1, "Should I stay or should I go".

Immigrants that come to the United States come for pretty much the same reason our founding fathers came, for opportunity. In the U.S. everyone has an opportunity to make money and live freely. The only thing I think they might lose in coming here would be maybe comfort and respect. A lot of Americans don’t treat immigrants with the respect they would get in there homelands. Also when going to a new country if you don’t speak their language you can feel out of place and lose the comfort of being home. If I chose to immigrate to another county it would probably be for economic reasons. If you live in the U.S. you’re about as free as you can be I guess. So yeah, I might live in another country to make more money, or if I could be happier there, then I might immigrate.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

About Me

I am Todd Roberts, I live in Winterville Ga. I am a Ga Fan. Go Dawgs!!!!